8 Essential Tips For A Good Cover Letter

8 Essential Tips For A Good Cover Letter

There was a time when it was a daunting task when it was compulsory to add a cover letter to a job application. It wasn’t that I was bad at writing; I just seemed too hard until I realized how simple it was and that’s the what this article aims to help you with.

Basically, A cover letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience(Please note that the document shouldn’t be attached rather it should be pasted on the body of the email).

The letter typically provides detailed information on why you are qualified for the job you are applying for. It serves as something that can actually save you from being dropped or something that can encourage the recruiter from short-listing you. If you see it that way, you will derive joy in taking out time to write an impeccable one.

Working as an HR Professional and seeing various types of cover letters from extremely horrible ones, jaw-dropping mouth opening perfect ones to just the ordinary boring clichés. You have a choice to determine the category you want yours to fall into. A CV may not be able to tell it ALL but a cover letter can actually help you land an interview that you may not be too qualified for just because the recruiter was impressed with your cover letter and would like to meet you. Here are tips that can help you in writing one:

  • Carefully study the job description and do a PROPER research on what the job entails.
  • Google sample cover letter relating to the job and just save few of them.
  • Think carefully on few experiences you have had on the job and what you intend to write.
  • If the job doesn’t relate to what you studied (for those looking at a career change), don’t shoot yourself on the leg by bringing out boring irrelevant experiences.
  • Do a proper research on the company involved and what you can offer them.
  • Carefully and SMARTLY lift up some of the competencies required in the job descriptions and show it in your cover letter that you have it citing relevant examples if need be.
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY….. PACKAGE ALL THIS RESEARCH to an irresistible document. You can guide yourself using other sample cover letters that you have downloaded. But don’t copy it all. Just use few phrases and add your own to it.


Cover letter is all about proper packaging. You’re allowed to exaggerate some of your accomplishments in a truthful manner if it will make it look more appealing (just make sure you can defend it in an interview).

I wish you the best in your career

Photocredit: Pixabay



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