#MyHRDiary: The Transition

The life of an HR Professional may seem like one of the easiest role to do but I can tell you for FREE that it’s not. When I made the transition from Chemical Engineering to HR, the motive was simple, I was tired of doing the same thing and I wanted something more dynamic
Due to my nature, I get bored easily so the ideal job for my nature is an ever Changing job that poses various tasks and exposures daily. Little did I know that HR was much more.
At the start of my career, it was much easier because I was shadowing others and learning through others mistakes. I was consciously observing knowing that I would eventually be in that position
But it seems like I was thrown into it much earlier than expected and it’s been such an AMAZING journey filled with UPS and Down’s. Some days, I’m happy after successfully implementing an initiative that has gotten me so many accolades and some days I’m just downright SAD. Sad because it can get overwhelming trying to solve people and organizational issues and it feels like my head just wants to explode.
Back to my story, this is the second tech startup I work with where I report directly to the CEO managing so much and dealing with day to day issues. What you don’t know about sitting in the management team is that you get to feel the heat directly.
Yes! As a junior HR, you would think you’re facing pressure but wait till you start feeling it directly from the source. I’m not complaining because it has really shaped me so much.
I have detached my emotions and mental health from what happens at work. I have learned not to take anything personal.
Everyone is trying to make things work so why stress yourself over little workplace issues. Also it has put me in various situations where my IQ, EQ and SQ has been tested. I’m glad I learned HR from women who exemplified what it means to be Human in HR so I am very Intentional about how I treat people and how I react to situations.
However I’m not losing sight of the organizational goals, after all it’s not an NGO. I’ve had to make tough decisions and they keep getting tougher by the day. Sometimes I ask myself who sent me to do HR but I hold forth because I know that it’s for the greater good.
The frustrating part is that problems never finish. Yes! When you think you have solved one, twenty others come up and you just have to keep moving forward.
Sitting on the leadership team and being part of key decision making for the past 2years of my career has improved my GRIT, emotional maturity, mental strength, strategic decision making as well as others I can’t remember.
I do not regret any actions taken in the past and much more, I am grateful to God for the opportunity
If you have not gotten a copy of my book, then you are missing out on a LOT, I wrote about how to transition to Human Resource. You can order at Rovingheights and Laterna Book store at a discounted price of N4,000. You can also order on Amazon regardless of where you are located in the world
This episode was originally featured at @hrstoryteller.