3 Strategic Tips To Get Results As A Jobseeker

3 Strategic Tips To Get Results As A Jobseeker

The truth is that there could be a lot of reasons why you haven’t been called for that interview and I’m not a mind reader to know that exact reason but the focus for this article is on strategy. Basically what I’m trying to say is that it could be because you are not focused on what you really want.

A lot of jobseekers just throw out their applications to every job they see that matches what they studied or what they are currently doing but that should not be so. Here are some tips:

  1. Be Deliberate

As a mid-level officer or someone who has started his/her career and know where he/she is going. You don’t need to be shooting out applications anyhow like a fresh graduate, just because they want to find somewhere to be going every day. If you channel all the energy into deliberate application, you would get more results

  1. Channel the energy to specific interests.

The time you save from sending out CV’s that don’t produce results, channel it to deliberate ones. When you see an application, you have to study it and consider a lot of things before applying. Don’t just apply because the ad looks good and since you want to move, then the next action is to start firing CV’s to every vacancy. NO. Things to consider:

  1. The location: You need to ask yourself this question, will the location of the company be good for me? Would you be willing to spend half your salary on transportation or in traffic? Consider that while taking your time to do a proper research on the prospective firm.
  2. The size: I mean the size of the company. Consider where you will be coming from, the capacity of your current job too. How engaged is the company? Would you be doing more in your current job than the one you want to move into? All these won’t be achieved without proper research.
  3. The culture: While doing your research, just try and guess what the culture will be like based on the business they are into. Is this the kind of industry you want to move to?

All these may seem a bit too much for just ordinary application when they have not even called you for an interview but the truth is that if all this questions can be answered and you still have a GENUINE interest in the company not just for the pay (although that is necessary). Then, you would be able to write a proper cover letter and channel your CV and application better. Putting all these into consideration may take time but if you can invest so much time on researching, then should be able to put in a better application than before.

  1. Be tactical

Personally, I feel it’s not a crime to do a follow-up on the job you applied for on LinkedIn. The Recruiter will most likely be on LinkedIn and the company also. You can follow the company and get recent updates and even move forward to adding the recruiter on LinkedIn. I’m not saying you should be creepy and raise an obvious ‘STALKER ALERT’ but you can just follow your LinkedIn request with a harmless message, that way your name will ring a bell when he/she sees it.

I wish you the best in your career!


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