#MyHRDiary: Innovative Employee Engagement
Technology is a great tool that can be deployed in the workplace especially Employee Engagement.
Last week, we had our first Town Hall Meeting for the Year and I set out to make it a unique one for the Team😀
We used used technology to drive an inclusive discussion where every staff had a voice towards building the organization of their dream.
With Mentimenter, we played online games together and people were able to show their strengths. Thanks Ejiro Enemigin-Ogunbanjo CPC, MCIPM, SPHRi™ for referring it to me
The best of it all was SLIDO. I discovered it while researching for online tools. With Slido, we used live polls to give awards (free and fair one) and everyone liked it because they could freely ask questions.
It was indeed a fun session and I would recommend both tools in your next Town Hall Meeting. (You can thank me later😉)
What is your organization doing to drive employee engagement ?