Steps To Position You For A Career Upgrade in A New Year

As the year is winding up, most people reflect on how this year was for them in terms of the plans they have made in their career. For some, they were able to achieve and exceed it while for some, they didn’t come close to it. Here are tips to re-position you for a better career upgrade in the new year
Invest in personal development
You may be privileged to work in a company that values learning and development of staff and sets a budget for each staff or you may not be that privileged. Nevertheless, it’s very important to set aside a budget that should be spent on training or certification. Start saving ahead for it so that it won’t greatly affect your finances. It’s important to join the professional body affiliated to your career, it boosts your CV and gives you credibility as a professional.
Consider going back to school
Personally I feel that you should consider going for a masters (i.e if you don’t have one already) before or after 5 years work experience. This is because after 5-7years professional experience, you’re looking at moving from mid-level to a supervisory or managerial role anytime soon. A masters, PGD, PhD will definitely position you for senior roles. You don’t have to take a career break to do this, you can do an online masters from the UK or USA (if you can afford it) or a part-time program in a nearby school.
Take that risk!
If you have been considering a career change for a while, now is the time to take a shot at what you’re passionate about. Start by identifying the skills and competencies you have acquired that will make you successful in your desired career and use that to sell yourself. Also go for the relevant training and certification in your desired role. Let it be obvious in your CV and cover letter about your interest in a new field and why you are qualified for the new role.
Build a wider network
Never underestimate the power of a good network. Your network can help you progress in your career in terms of the advice you get when facing a difficult situation professionally. A lot of times when I need inspiration at work, I just sign in to LinkedIn and I see posts and updates that really inspire me to be better at my job. There are watsapp and telegram groups for professionals in various fields. Endeavor to join them because you will definitely make new friends and also learn new things daily or weekly.
Work smarter
If you have been working hard in this year but not much to show for it, it’s time you sit down to re-strategize. It’s not just hard work that pays but smartwork. Read up on the new trends in your field, stay updated on what’s happening in your profession and look for ways to add a new twist to the same old job you have been doing. Let your colleagues and superiors see a different style of working. Read on how people who have been successful in your field was able to accomplish it despite the struggles and learn from that.